Here's why it's important to have a secure CMS


IF YOU’RE BUILDING A website app, YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT Content Management Systems (CMS).

A content management system (CMS) is a software application that let’s you create and manage all of your website’s content. In other words, a CMS let’s you upload, edit, and delete content from a website without you having to know HTML, CSS, or other deeply technical tools.

Aside from saving you both time and money, investing in a robust CMS offers a whole list of advantages, including helping those who don’t have a strong technical background. With a ready-to-use CMS there is no need for you to know anything like HTML or other coding languages.

With aotomot you automatically have access to a secure cms.

As part of your Aotomot subscription you get easy access to our base modules, including a backend platform.

Aotomot’s platform is a cloud-based content management system that lets you manage and publish content seen by your end users in the apps that you build. It also let’s you  give access to others who help manage content, such as marketing or digital staff  so that they can publish news, a gallery of images, send out push notifications, etc.

An effective CMS allows multiple people to have access to your website and allows for easier collaboration on different projects.


Sign-up to AOTOMOT today and get access to a secure web content management system where you or your sub-users will be able to publish content and set out alerts. No need to build your own backend, it’s all ready for you!


Go on, get that app idea off your chest. Get Creative! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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