Notifications & Alerts made easy with


ARE YOU LOOKING TO integrate push notifications or in-app alerts into your apps?

You’re either here because you’re looking to introduce push notifications into your existing app OR you need a way to integrate notifications into a new app.

We have it covered with our ‘notifications & alerts’ product

When you purchase our Notifications & Alerts Product you get a number of awesome features including:



Aotomot gives you the ability to send out rich media push notifications

Once you’ve purchased the ‘Notifications & Alerts’ product you will be able to integrate iOS and Android rich media notifications and in-app alerts for multiple applications with real time analytics on your dashboard.

This means you can bring attention to news or content just published, directly  to your app users. You can attach images, gifs and links to video with these messages.

You also get ‘in-app’ alerts. This enables you to send pop-up messages whenever a user opens your app or a particular function.


Push notifications are highly effective in boosting conversion rates and increasing customer engagement.


By using Aotomot’s ‘Notifications & Alerts’ product you’re able to target customers based on the operating system they have on their mobile, whether it’s iOS or Android (or both). The scheduling feature also means you can plan when you send out notifications or alerts, which means you get to take a sickie and not feel bad about losing contact with users.

Ask any app developer why they swear by notifications and they’ll tell you it’s an essential tool for anyone because it helps you stay in touch and stay engaged with your users!

Get started with our Alerts & Push Notifications today! 




Go on, get that app idea off your chest. Get Creative! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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